YOU ARE WHAT YOU RISK: The New Art and Science of Navigating an Uncertain World (Pegasus, April 2021)
THE GRAY RHINO: How to Recognize and Act on the Obvious Dangers We Ignore. St Martin’s Press (2016)
LOCKOUT: Why America Keeps Getting Immigration Wrong When Our Prosperity Depends on Getting It Right, PublicAffairs (2006)
WHY THE COCKS FIGHT: Dominicans, Haitians, and the Struggle for Hispaniola, Hill & Wang (1999)
For Michele’s LinkedIn newsletter, “Around My Mind,” click HERE
For Michele’s strategy + business articles click HERE
- “Why Managing Uncertainty Is a Key Leadership Skill,” strategy+business, June 10, 2020
- “No, the coronavirus pandemic wasn’t an ‘unforeseen problem’ “ Washington Post, March 17, 2020
- “How to Have a Good Fourth Industrial Revolution.” World Economic Forum Agenda, June 21, 2018
- “The Meta Gray Rhinos Facing China’s Central Bank,” Netease (Chinese and English), March 13, 2018
- “Cognitive Bias and Risk Management,” World Economic Forum 2018 Global Risks Report
- “3 Leadership Lessons from the Argentine Tango.” World Economic Forum Agenda, June 12, 2017
- “Trump and Bannon Attack the 1% to Disguise the Fact that they Are Card-Carrying Members of It.” Quartz, March 21, 2017
- “From Black Swans to Gray Rhinos.” LinkedIn Pulse, September 2, 2016
- “The Top Gray Rhinos of 2016.” Seeking Alpha, August 11, 2016
- “Glass Cliffs and Gray Rhinos: Why a Crisis Is Too Late to Pick a Woman to Lead.” Womens Media Center, August 9, 2016
- “Trump: RINO or Gray Rhino?” Huffington Post, July 19, 2016
- “To Avoid Black Swans, Look Out for Gray Rhinos” Seeking Alpha, July 1, 2016
- “Why Brexit Voter Adam’s Remorse Matters to Us All,” LinkedIn Pulse, June 25, 2016
- “Why Do We Ignore Obvious Dangers?” Observer, May 26, 2016
- “3 Questions to Be Sure Your Startup Can Thrive With Change” Inc., May 23, 2016
- “What’s Your Gray Rhino?” LinkedIn Pulse, May 17, 2016
- “Water: One Drop, One Desert, One Step at a Time” The World Post, March 22, 2016
- “How Can We Overcome the Most Likely Risks of 2016,” World Economic Forum Agenda, February 2, 2016
- “Will Migrants and Robots Be Competing for the Same Jobs?” World Economic Forum Agenda, November 10, 2015
- “The Dominican Republic’s Shameful Deportation Legacy,” Foreign Policy, October 8, 2015
- “Why Those Outraged by Cecil the Lion’s Killing Need to Cut It Out,” New York Observer, August 4, 2015
- “Readout from Panel on Latino Attitudes Toward Foreign Policy,” Running Numbers Blog, May 19, 2015
- “Davos 2014 Review: Taxonomy of the Gray Rhino,” World Policy Blog, February 18, 2014
- “Predictions from Davos- 2014,” World Policy Blog, January 21, 2014
- “Lean in to learn from global examples of women,” March 8, 2013
- “Davos 2013: Down with Short Termism; Long Live the Long Term,” World Economic Forum Blog, February 5, 2013
- “Closing the Gender Gap in Silicon Valley –and Everywhere,” World Economic Forum Blog, August 6, 2012
- “Chronicle of a Debt Foretold,” New America Foundation, May 2, 2011
- “Linking Ethics and Self-Interest in Human Mobility,” Policy Innovations, January 26, 2010
- “How to Help Haiti Rebuild,”, August 6, 2009
- “Balancing Federal, State and Local Priorities in Police-Immigrant Relations: Lessons from Muslim, Arab, and South Asian Communities,” Immigration Policy Center, June 2008
- “Latin America’s Resilient Housing Market,” Project Syndicate, February 11, 2008
- “Migration and Migrant Integration in the Atlantic Region,” (Rapporteur, March 22-24 Atlantic Conference in Seville, Spain) Chicago Council on Global Affairs. Spring 2007
- “A Safe Haven in New Haven,” New York Times, April 15, 2007.
- “Borderline Pandering,” The Guardian Online, April 11, 2007.
- “Fixing the Border—Without a Wall,” World Policy Journal Winter 2006-2007.
- “Wanted but not Welcome,” Texas Observer. March 23, 2007.
- “Family Second,” The New York Times. February 28, 2006.
- “Fences and Smokescreens,” The Guardian. December 26, 2006.
- “Farmer’s Branch Folly: Local Immigration Laws Do More Harm than Good,” Huffington Post. November 28, 2006.
- “America Wrestles With Immigration Reform,” Heinrich Böll Foundation (Germany) June, 2006.
- “The Top Ten Ways America Gets Immigration Wrong.” Perspectives. Immigration Policy Center, June, 2006.
- “Don’t Get Immigration Wrong-Again.” June 20, 2006.
- “The Complex Terrain of Dual Citizenship.” Internationale Politik (Germany –TransAtlantic edition) Summer 2006.
- Book World Live, May 30, 2006.
- “Por que os EUA nao acertam quando o tema e a imigraçao.” Folha de São Paulo, April 11, 2006.
- “Keep Stirring the Melting Pot.” Guardian Unlimited. April 8, 2006.
- “The Benefits of Dual Citizenship.” Foreign Policy In Focus. March 8, 2006.
- “National Security and Noncitizens in the United States after 9/11,” in Immigration Policies and Security: The Transatlantic Security Challenges and Dilemmas for the European Migration Policy Project (Warsaw: Center for International Relations, 2006), edited by Krystyna Iglicka.
- “Diminishing Returns.” The costs of migrant worker remittances. Harper’s, December 2005.
- “Losing Our Edge: A Review of Richard Florida’s Flight of the Creative Class.” Washington Post Bookworld, June 19, 2005.
- Excerpts of Why the Cocks Fight in Caribbean Connections: The Dominican Republic (Washington, D.C.: Teaching for Change, 2005), edited by Anne Gallin, Ruth Glasser, Jocelyn Santana, and Patricia Pessar.
- “Immigrant Voting Rights Receive More Attention” (with Ron Hayduk) Migration Source, November 1, 2004.
- “Political Power in the Perpetual Migration Machine,” World Policy Journal, Fall 2004.
- “Storms Add Misery to Caribbean Crisis,” Newsday, September 29, 2004.
- “Remittances: The Perpetual Migration Machine” World Policy Journal, Summer 2004.
- “Haiti: So Many Missteps.” World Policy Journal, Spring 2004.
- “Distant Neighbors” (a review of Julia Preston and Sam Dillon’s Opening Mexico). New York Times Book Review, March 28, 2004.
- “Haiti Has Company in this Crisis.” Washington Post, March 7, 2004.
- “Let Legal Immigrants Vote in City.” (with Ron Hayduk) New York Daily News, September 22, 2003.
- “Civics Lessons from Immigrants.” What happens when a large part of the working class has no traditional political voice? The American Prospect, July 1, 2003.
- “The Need to Come Clean in Argentina.” Argentina should create a corruption Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Washington Post, May 25, 2003.
- “Seeking Argentina’s Silver Lining.” What the world needs to do to prevent future Argentinas. World Policy Journal, Winter 2002/2003.
- “Going for Broke.” A review of A Free Nation Deep in Debt and Republic of Debtors. Washington Post, January 19, 2003.
- “Muddling is Not Enough.” Argentina’s impending default. International Financing Review, July 26, 2001. Also published as “Fazer confusão não basta” in Valor Económico.
- “Passing the Buck: No Chapter 11 for Bankrupt Countries.” An analysis of the world’s jury-rigged approach to sovereign debt crisis. World Policy Journal, Summer 2001.
- “Edwidge Danticat: A Voice for the Voiceless.” Américas. May/June 2000.
- “Poverty/ Home Economics. A review of Hernando de Soto’s The Mystery of Capital.” Washington Post Book World, December 10, 2000.
- “How Not to Deal with Debt.” A look at lessons from Ecuador’s financial meltdown. IntellectualCapital, January 27, 2000.
- “Americans: Who We Are, What We Lost.” Revisiting white Americans’ attitudes toward their own ancestors’ assimilation. Tikkun, January/February 2000
- “Some People Good, Other People Better: A Look at the Draconian 1996 Immigration Laws.” IntellectualCapital, September 16, 1999
- “Foreign Policy: Race & Massacre in Hispaniola.” A 1937 ethnic cleansing left lasting traces. Tikkun, November/December 1998
- “Keep on Trekking.” How a small Wisconsin business became the top exporter in its field. Working Woman, December/January 1998
- “El lifting de la banca.” Helping Latin America’s banking system recover after Mexico’s devaluation. AméricaEconomía, November 1996