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Who Gets A Voice?: Immigrants and Civic Engagement

Title: Who Gets A Voice?: Immigrants and Civic Engagement
Location: New York City
Link out: Click here
Description: I’ll be moderating a public debate Tuesday evening, June 30, hosted by the World Policy Institute and Demos with panelists Maria Teresa Petersen of Voto Latino; Tamar Jacoby, Immigration Works USA; Gara Lamarche, Atlantic Philanthropies; and Hiroshi Motomura, UCLA and Author of Americans in Waiting. For more details and to register, follow the link.
Start Time: 6:00
Date: 2009-06-30
End Time: 8:30


I’ve written a chapter in the new book, GETTING IMMIGRATION RIGHT: WHAT EVERY AMERICAN NEEDS TO KNOW, edited by David Coates and Peter Siavalis and published by Potomac Press. My chapter deals with changing conceptions of citizenship, based on some of the work I did during my 2007 Guggenheim Fellowship. It’s about the ways in which nations around the globe are changing laws and customs governing who is allowed to become a citizen and how the naturalization process works, even as they debate the shifting norms about the rights and responsibilities that citizenship entails.

Please pick up a copy of the book at your favorite bookstore or online!

The book is based on a conference that David and Peter organized in Fall 2007 at Wake Forest University. Here’s the video of my session with Mark Miller (I start speaking at around 28:00)