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CNBC Worldwide Exchange on Greece

February 13, 2012 -As violence erupted in Greece, I guest-hosted CNBC’s Worldwide Exchange talking about economic policy challenges. Watch the video by clicking on the image below:

Michele Wucker on CNBC Worldwide Exchange

Beyond Relief: Council on Foreign Relations Haiti panel Feb 18

Video, audio, and transcript from “Beyond Relief: Helping Haiti,” a Council on Foreign Relations panel discussion in which Michele participated February 18, 2010.

Beyond Relief: Helping Haiti (Transcript)

Beyond Relief: Helping Haiti (Audio)


Pamela Cox, Vice President, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, World Bank Group

Arvind Subramanian, Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics

Michele Wucker, Executive Director, World Policy Institute


Marcus Mabry, International Business Editor, New York Times

Watch experts discuss the political and economic challenges facing Haiti and the role foreign aid can play in the country’s recovery and development.

Slate.fr: Les Haïtiens doivent être partie prenante de la reconstruction

Les Haïtiens doivent être partie prenante de la reconstruction

Il faut à tout prix éviter de refaire les erreurs du passé et utiliser la reconstruction comme une occasion d’engager la société civile haïtienne…..

  • Par Michele Wucker
  • Michele Wucker est la directrice exécutive du World Policy Institute (Institut des politiques mondiales) et l’auteure de Why the Cocks Fight: Dominicans, Haitians, and the Struggle for Hispaniola [Pourquoi le coq se bat: Dominicains, Haïtiens et le combat pour Hispaniola]

(translation of the article that appeared on ForeignPolicy.com Jannuary 19th)

Toronto Star Jan 23-This little (Creole) piggy

This little (Creole) piggy once stood for Haitian pride

That fact should be top of mind as leaders gather in Montreal this week to plan country’s rebuilding

by Kenneth Kidd

follow this link for the full story from the Toronto Star.

My two cents:

The danger, says Michele Wucker, executive director of the World Policy Institute in New York, is that talks could get mired in an ideological debate over the role of the private sector and the state in Haiti’s future.

“You need both,” says Wucker. “You need an engaged private sector, a strong state, and you need accountability for both.

“In the best-case scenario, the rebuilding process is done in such a way that Haitian civil society is engaged, that there’s a way for communities to communicate what their priorities are.”

And whatever the eventual details of that reconstruction, attaining one legacy may well be crucial.

“The focus (should be) on collaboration and building the capacity of the Haitian government, so that, at the end of the process, we have some institutions that can withstand changes of government at the top.”

Recent NPR appearances -Latino USA, Talk of the Nation

Here are links to my recent appearances on National Public Radio talking about the Haiti earthquake and Dominican-Haitian relations.

Latino USA, January 21 The Haiti Tragedy (scroll down to  Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Latin America)

Talk of the Nation, January 25: To Rebuild, Put Haitians in the Lead

Workshop for Ethics and Business Luncheon

Workshop for Ethics and Business Luncheon

The video above is an excerpt only; for the full panel discussion click HERE

Podcast: Click here

Description: A stimulating preface to the critical global political, social, and economic shifts in the year ahead  -with live webcast
Time: 12:00 noon to 2 p.m.

Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, 170 East 64th Street / New York, N.Y. 10065

Top Risks and Ethical Decisions 2010
Workshop for Ethics in Business Luncheon

Ian Bremmer, President, Eurasia Group
Georg Kell, Executive Director, United Nations Global Compact
Art Kleiner, Editor-in-Chief, strategy+business
Thomas Stewart, Chief Marketing and Knowledge Officer, Booz & Company
Michele Wucker, Executive Director, World Policy Institute

This panel showcased prominent experts and their predictions about the ethical implications of global political risk for 2010. Aimed at decision makers in corporate, government, and nonprofit sectors, the panel seeks to provide a stimulating preface to the critical global political, social, and economic shifts in the year ahead.

Using Eurasia Group’s “Top Risks” as a starting point for identifying the major global challenges in 2010, the discussion  examined the ethical aspects of each issue, and how best these dynamic and complex challenges can be met.