(function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src= 'https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id='+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-M9HK7VS'); .hs-form-field label span:first-of-type { display: none!important; } book – Michele Wucker's Author Website

Il Rinoceronte Grigio – The Gray Rhino arrives in Italy

Many thanks to ANIMA Asset ManagementROI Edizioni, and Salone del Risparmio for a wonderful launch of the Italian edition of The Gray Rhino in Milan May 17, 2023.

Il rinoceronte grigio: Come prevedere e affrontare i pericoli ovvi che spesso ignoriamo

Woman holding a book next to a near life size replica of a rhino; background is graphic representing rising temperatures of earth 1890 to present and logo of asset management firm Anima
Event announcement with photo of a woman and of a rhino on the road facing viewer. "Michele Wucker -scrittrice e strategic advisor -17 maggio 16:15 Sala Gold - Rinoceronti Grigi: Comon non farsi Travolgere dai rischi che oggi sottovalutiamo - Michele Wucker, Claudia Colly, Maria Pia Quaglia, Alessandro Melzi d'Eril - ANIMA"
woman standing on a stage with giant image of her on video behind her
Three women sitting on stage in chairs in a panel conversation

You Are What You Risk Is Now in Paperback

We’re delighted to share that You Are What You Risk: The New Art and Science of Navigating an Uncertain World is now available in paperback in addition to the existing hardcovere-bookdigital audiobook, and audiobook CD formats.

Interested in getting copies for your team or clients? Get in touch about bulk purchase discounts along with bonuses like a customized book club, virtual fireside chat, workshop or other interactive ways to help your organization and customers improve their risk relationships.

Learn why you take the risks you do (or don’t) and how to use these insights to seize more opportunities and avoid common pitfalls; to work better as a team; to communicate better with clients, investors, and other stakeholders; and to feel more confident making decisions amidst uncertainty.

Apply key takeaways to avoiding stereotypes in investing, recruiting, promoting, managing, and leading. 

Download the Readers Guide HERE.

Choosing You Are What You Risk as a book club selection? Email for more information about support for your book club.


“As we all deal with multiple 21st century risks… it’s important to stop and recognize that each of us defines and manages ‘risk’ differently, based on an almost unlimited number of influences. That’s what author, TED Talk star and former think tank executive Michele Wucker says in her ground-breaking new book, You Are What You Risk.” ? Forbes

“You Are What You Risk introduces a new vocabulary for talking about these threats. Everyone has a personalized “risk fingerprint” that describes what kind of risk-taker they are, shaped by their personality, upbringing, and experiences. Strengthening your “risk muscle” can help you make good decisions.  Wucker’s focus zooms in to examine personal predicaments and zooms out to global crises, analyzing how people wrestle with choices and uncertainty.” ? The Grist

“A game changer for day traders.” — Kim Ann Curtin ? author of Transforming Wall Street: A Conscious Path for a New Future

“There’s a huge need in the business world to better understand the human factors behind how we perceive and evaluate risks, and there’s no better guide than Michele Wucker. Drawing on the stories of compelling risk-takers, practical research, and proven strategies, You Are What You Risk treads essential new territory for executives who want their organizations to be innovative, creative, and industry leaders.” — Danielle Harlan, author of The New Alpha: Join the Rising Movement of Influencers and Changemakers Who Are Redefining Leadership

“The world is complex. But if we can’t be aware of all things happening everywhere all the time, can we at least have a framework for understanding what risks loom large and small in our lives, and start to think rationally – as individuals, companies, governments, and societies – about how to respond? You Are What You Risk delivers that story, that framework, and that action plan.”
  — Parag Khanna, author of Connectography and How to Run the World

“This is an important book, one that you’ll be talking about and thinking about for a long time. It’s a chance to understand how to make better choices about the lives we’re busy building.” — Seth Godin, author THE PRACTICE

“As Silicon Valley illustrates, risk attitudes and behaviors are at the heart of why organizations and economies thrive or head for disaster. In You Are What You Risk, Michele Wucker explores the dynamics behind individuals’ and companies’ relationships with risk, from personal experience to cultural values to policy ecosystems. Her original insights and practical recommendations will help readers choose healthy risk-taking over dangerous missteps in business, life, and the world.”

  — Deborah Perry Piscione, author of Secrets of Silicon Valley and The Risk Factor

“Whether you’re an investor, entrepreneur, of simply trying to forge your career strategically in any field, you’ll benefit from Michele Wucker’s innovative, clear-eyed approach to taking wise risks and navigating uncertainty. This book will help you to get from ordinary to extraordinary.” — Laura Huang, Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School and Author of EDGE: Turning Adversity into Advantage

YOU ARE WHAT YOU RISK Romanian Edition Launches

You Are What You Risk is now available in Romanian as Esti Tot Ce Risti, published by Editura Creator.

Esti tot ce risti. Arta stiintei de a naviga printr-o lume incerta.

Esti tot ce risti este un apel clar pentru o conversatie cu totul noua despre relatia noastra cu riscul si incertitudinea. In aceasta carte revolutionara, Michele Wucker analizeaza de ce este atat de important sa intelegeti amprenta de risc si cum sa va faceti relatia de risc sa functioneze mai bine in afaceri, viata si in lume. Bazandu-se pe povesti de risc convingatoare din intreaga lume si tesand in cercetarea economica, antropologie, sociologie si psihologie, Wucker face o punte intre conversatiile profesionale si cele cu risc laic. Ea contesta stereotipurile cu privire la atitudinile de risc, reincadreaza modul in care sunt legate de gen si de risc si arunca o noua lumina asupra diferentelor dintre generatii. Ea arata cum noua stiinta a “personalitatii de risc” remodeleaza afacerile si finantele, cum ecosistemele de risc sanatoase sprijina economiile si societatile si de ce o atitudine dispusa la risc poate rezolva conflictele.

Wucker impartaseste informatii, instrumente practice si strategii dovedite care va vor ajuta sa intelegeti ce va face cine sunteti si sa faceti alegeri mai bune. Esti tot ce risti introduce un nou vocabular pentru a vorbi despre aceste amenintari. Toata lumea are o “amprenta de risc” personalizata care descrie ce fel de risc isi asuma, modelata de personalitatea, educatia si experientele lor. Intarirea “muschiului de risc” te poate ajuta sa iei decizii bune. Wucker se concentreaza pe examinarea situatiilor dificile personale si se apropie de crizele globale, analizand modul in care oamenii se lupta cu alegerile si incertitudinea. – Grist, revista online americana non-profit 

Dupa cum ilustreaza Silicon Valley, atitudinile si comportamentele de risc se afla in centrul motivului pentru care organizatiile si economiile prospera sau se indreapta spre dezastru. In Esti tot ce risti, Michele Wucker exploreaza dinamica din spatele relatiilor indivizilor si companiilor cu riscul, de la experienta personala la valorile culturale si pana la ecosistemele politice. Cunostintele sale originale si recomandarile practice ii vor ajuta pe cititori sa aleaga asumarea sanatoasa a riscurilor in locul greselilor periculoase din afaceri, viata si lume. – Deborah Perry Piscione autor al Secrets of Silicon Valley: What Everyone Else Can Learn from the Innovation Capital of the World 

Fie ca esti investitor, antreprenor, ca incerci pur si simplu sa-ti croiesti cariera strategic in orice domeniu, vei beneficia de abordarea inovatoare si clara a lui Michele Wucker de a-ti asuma riscuri intelepte si de a naviga in incertitudine. Aceasta carte va va ajuta sa treceti de la obisnuit  la extraordinar. – Laura Huang, profesor de administrarea afacerilor la  Harvard Business School si autor al Ascendent. Cum sa transformi dificultatile in avantaje 

Michele Wucker a inventat termenul de “rinocer gri” care simbolizeaza o noua perspectiva asupra evenimentelor probabile, evidente, de impact si care ne ofera posibilitatea de a alege sa actionam. Ea este autoarea a patru carti influente, inclusiv The Gray Rhino: How to Recognize and Act on the Obvious Dangers We Ignore, care a mutat pietele financiare, a modelat politica guvernamentala si strategiile de afaceri din intreaga lume. Totodata, a inspirat o discutie populara TED care extinde teoria “rinocerului gri” la probleme personale. Fost director media si CEO Think Tank (Grup de experti), este fondatoarea firmei de consultanta strategica Gray Rhino & Company din Chicago. A fost recunoscuta de World Economic Forum ca Young Global Leader si ca bursiera Guggenheim.

You Are What You Risk Taiwan Edition Launched

Michele’s latest book, YOU ARE WHAT YOU RISK, is now available in Taiwan in traditional/complex Chinese characters as “Find the Gray Rhino in Your Life: Knowing Your Risk Fingerprints and turning a Crisis into Opportunity,” published by Commonwealth (Tianxia/World Culture imprint).

Use your browser translator (if needed) to read this profile in Global Views Monthly Magazine published on occasion of the book launch.

Watch video highlights (in English with traditional Chinese character subtitles) below:


Read, listen and watch more about Michele’s latest book, YOU ARE WHAT YOU RISK: The New Art and Science of Navigating an Uncertain World at the links below:

You Are What You Risk book cover with Next Big Idea Club seal

A Next Big Idea Club Spring 2021 Nominee
An AudioFile Earphones Award honoree (audiobook edition): “Michele Wucker examines how gender and age, cultural and family norms, and economic status impact how we view and handle risk. With refreshing, often hip, writing, she explains the perceptual flaws that cloud our ability to grasp the chances we take in life…this enlightening lesson is full of insights and strategies for seeing the risks we take more clearly.” 
A Porchlight Books Editor’s Choice:  “Beyond understanding risk on a personal, an academic, and even a geopolitical level, what I think readers will be left with is a better understanding of the topic that Wucker ultimately uncovers—reality. To live in reality is to understand risk, and that it is no longer confined to our daily lives or the life of the communities, countries, and nations we live in.”

News Coverage and Reviews:
Los Angeles Review of Books: Risk Management and its Discontents: “Timely….Wucker offers a cultured, societal, gendered, and generational look at risk across the world.” 
Take the Lead Women: How Risky Are You? Discover Your Risk Profile to Succeed
YOU ARE WHAT YOU RISK: A Review by Anne Janzer
Q&A with Deborah Kalb
Grist: The World Is Getting Scarier
Risk & Insurance Magazine: COVID’s Unsettling Impact on the Future of Work and What Perils and Potential Upsides Remain
Book review in The Rewired Soul
World Class Performer: Short Life Lessons from Michele Wucker
Maeil Business Newspaper (Korea)” [5 Years After The Gray Rhino, Author Asks “What’s Your Risk Fingerprint?” (Cover Story) (in Korean; use browser translater)]
Financial Times: Risk Specialists Draw Lessons from Greensill Saga
The Wall Street Journal: Losing Dollars by Pinching Pennies

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: 40 Books for Summer Reading
Capital Spectator BookBits: Six More for the Investor’s Bookshelf
Practical eCommerce: 14 New Business Books for 2021
Business Digest EU: Les lectures à ne pas manquer – Printemps 2021 [Books not to miss -Spring 2021]

FlexJobs Webinar: Risk and the Future of Work: How to Thrive Amid Uncertainty
Sustain What? with Andrew Revkin: Two Experts Offer Personal Solution Paths Amid Complexity and Inevitability
YOU ARE WHAT YOU RISK Book launch “at” The Book Cellar in conversation with Amy Guth

Next Big Idea Club Book Bites (download app to listen)
Disaster Zone Episode 41: Personal and Organizational Risk Management
Steady Trade Episode 200: Discover Your Risk Fingerprint With Michele Wucker
Human Risk with Christian Hunt: Michele Wucker on You Are What You Risk
IBTalk with Paul Lucas: Why You Are What You Risk
Populyst with Sami Karam: You Are What You Risk, with Michele Wucker
OODAcast: Michele Wucker on Identifying and Confronting the Obvious Risks of Gray Rhinos

The Gray Rhino Norwegian Edition

The Gray Rhino is now available in Norwegian via Hegnar Media

Grå neshorn

Michele Wucker

Hvordan gjenkjenne og gjøre noe med de innlysende faresignalene som vi aller helst bare vil ignorere.

Et «grått neshorn» er en høyst sannsynlig trussel med store konse­kvenser som likevel blir oversett – beslektet med både elefanten i rommet og en uforutsigbar sort svane. Grå neshorn er ikke tilfeldige overraskelser, men dukker opp etter en rekke advarsler og tydelige tegn. Boligboblen som sprakk i 2008, de omfattende ødeleggelsene etter orkanen Katrina og andre naturkatastrofer, de nye digitale teknologiene som snudde medieverdenen opp ned, Sovjetunionens sammenbrudd … alt var mulig å forutsi.

Hvorfor klarer ledere og beslutningstagere fremdeles ikke å forholde seg til åpenbare trusler før disse ikke lenger lar seg kontrollere? I Grå neshorn benytter Michele Wucker seg av sin omfattende bakgrunn innen kriseledelse og utforming av politikk og av dyptgående intervjuer med ledere fra hele verden, og viser hvordan man identifiserer og imøtegår strategisk kommende trusler som har store konsekvenser. Grå neshorn er full av overbevisende historier, eksempler fra virkelighetens verden og praktiske råd, og er nødvendig lesning for ledere, investorer, planleggere, strateger og enhver som ønsker å forstå hvordan man kan tjene på å unngå å bli trampet ned.

Medlemspris: 351,-

Spar: 118,- (veil. pris 469,-)


Forfatter:Michele Wucker

Forlag:Hegnar Media

